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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

How to Hack a Facebook Account through Session Hijacking?

Session Hijacking is the stealing of cookie stored by the website. Website like Facebook uses authentication cookies. Cookies consist of all information of the user’s account. If it is hijacked while the user is in active session, you can easily hack the
Facebook account. Go through the following steps for this method:

1. Download Firefox add-on Firesheep and install it in the browser.

2. Download Winpcap also and install it.

3. Run the Firesheep from the Firefox browser.

4. Hit the Start Capturing button.

5. After a few minutes, it will fetch the cookies of the active users in the network.

6. Click on any one of them.

7. Viola! You are inside the account of the user.

This method works effectively in the areas of the wifi zones like public cyber, school, colleges, restaurant, buses, public places, etc.

This method works only in HTTP session. So always use HTTPS secured connection.

Facebook uses HTTPS by default. However if you are being hacked through Session Hijacking, log out from your Facebook account immediately. In that way, the cookie expires automatically and the hacker can be no longer into your account.


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